Cecilia Fry (personal)
1 April 2015
LTP 4 – Cecilia Fry March 26th 2015
Q 1: Goal 1 ‘Supporting Growth and Economic Vitality’
ADD: Sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling can contribute as much to economic growth as vehicular modes. Many studies (and my own experience) around the city of Oxford show that cycling is often the most efficient mode of transport for journeys of under 3 miles. Hence improving the cycle and walking network of the city can be an integral part of this policy.
Policy 4 talks of directing lorry traffic and shows a map of freight routes
ADD: Integrate this policy with the cycling policy: The fear of lorry traffic is one of the greatest deterrents to cycling. More cycle routes could be free of freight.
ADD: Large HGVs could offload on to smaller vehicles at junctions of trunk roads via local consolidation points (especially Park & Rides) so that many smaller roads and urban roads do not have any large HGVs.
ADD: All goods vehicles in the county including all vans will be required to have sensors, wide wing mirrors and other safety features so that they can detect and see cyclists and pedestrians.
Policy 11: supports the development of air travel services and facilities.
CHANGE: This is in contradiction with Goal 2.
Policy 13: ADD: The possibilities of an inclusive cycle network that can be used by non motorised vehicles of all shapes and sizes will be investigated.
Policy 17: ADD: The Highways Asset Management Plan will include all cycle lanes and routes as well as highways for motorised vehicles.
Q 2 – cutting carbon
Policy 18: ADD: something stronger than ‘support the development of travel plans’. Travel plans are essential at the initial planning stages and must be followed through at every stage of the planning and building processes so that developers are not allowed to cut corners or escape their responsibilities.
Section 129: CHANGE: ‘working towards the £10 per annum… ‘ to e.g. aim to achieve £10 per annum… by 2017/18’ or ASAP.
ADD: ‘Ensure developers understand the definitions of high quality cycle infrastructure’ (CPRs and SCRs as later). It is not sufficient to say that because a leisure cycle route presently passes close to a development, that this makes the development sustainable.
ADD: Adding segregated cycle lanes wherever possible along main roads linking towns and villages e.g. Bloxham to Banbury so that a visibly safe cycle network can be seen by those in their cars and thence provide an easy incentive for mode shift.
Policy 21: ADD: A time scale or target. This is urgent.
Q 3 – Improving the Quality of Life
Policy 25: CHANGE: ‘work to reduce negative environmental impacts’ to stronger wording -e.g. Enforce reductions in vehicle emissions and be prepared to ban all vehicles from more roads.
Policy 26: ADD : by for instance providing underground, covered, and secure bicycle parking.
Policy 27: ADD: upgrade appropriately strategic bridleways to a standard suitable for hybrid and mountain bikes in all weathers.
Policy 28: ‘improving towpaths…. ADD: upgrading to all weather mountain bike or hybrid bicycle standard where strategically appropriate’
‘Promoting independence’ : para 169 p 71 ADD: ‘To include a fully inclusive cycle network wherever possible’
Policy 32: CHANGE: ‘giving consideration to …20 mph ..’ to ‘introducing 20 mph speed limits in all residential areas and areas of high density cycling and walking.’
ADD: Be strategically prepared for the changes to travel habits that will come about if ‘driver-less’ cars become a major feature in the road network in the next 5-10 years.
ADD: If buses are to be rapid and share routes with the cycling network then the cyclists MUST be segregated.
CHANGE: The CPR from Oxford City Centre via the Oxford Parkway Station out to Kidlington is a priority from 2015 but will have to have a parallel or alternative CSR with segregated cycle lanes when the BRT system comes into operation.
ADD: Include the speed limits for where cyclists are expected to share the road with motorised traffic e.g.
In Cycle Super Routes last bullet point p 20 ADD ‘speeds will be reduced to 20 mph maximum’
In Cycle Premium Route first bullet point p 20 ADD/CHANGE ‘where shared with bus lanes there will be 20 mph limits or an alternative CSR nearby.
P 22: CHANGE/ADD: Grade separated crossings at regular intervals to encourage connectivity between communities and enable less confident cyclists to cross very busy roads safely. The Wolvercote roundabout needs a grade separated crossing.
ADD: Sequencing and timing of traffic lights for pedestrian/cyclist crossings will be reviewed in order to shorten the time cyclist and pedestrians spend waiting for the traffic to stop.
P23 – timescale: the first CPR to be the A4165 to Oxford Parkway Station, opening in September 2015.
ADD/CHANGE: You could be braver over traffic bans from the city centre. We could be more like London and not have a car-owning mentality.
p28 ‘Role of Taxis’: ADD: Taxis often drive very badly and park/stop in cycle lanes and on pavements. They are often inconsiderate of other road users e.g pedestrians and cyclists. If they are to be allowed to continue with their priorities in areas that are restricted to regular traffic then they must be made to adhere to speed limits and parking restrictions or have the penalty of having their licences withdrawn. They cannot be allowed to discourage cycling and walking.
9 a & b – Banbury
‘promote sustainable travel trips to, in and around Banbury’ p33 and Para 22 p 37. There are new residential developments in Bloxham, a sizeable centre just 3 miles south of Banbury. ADD: Bloxham needs more sustainable transport links to Banbury especially a segregated cycle lane along the A361.
10 a & b
Policy WIT6
ADD: A cycle premium route between Eynsham and Oxford along the B4044 Farmoor road to provide an Active Travel alternative to buses and link with the rest of the Oxford to Witney cycle routes.
14 a & b
Volume 4 p 4: CHANGE/ADD: Oxfordshire Cycling Network (volunteers) and Sustrans established engineering charity with substantial experience in creating high quality cycle routes.
P 5 CHANGE: ‘…… £10 per head’ We will achieve a spend of £10 per resident on cycling related infrastructure as recommended by the Central Government Infrastructure Bill by 2016/2017, ahead of the governments’ target of 2020-21.
Para 14 p 5 ADD: …and these cycleability audits will be followed through with developers to ensure that infrastructure is put in place.
Para 21 p 7 : ADD: CPRs & CSRs will have 20 mph limits where cyclists are on the main carriageway. Freight will be routed elsewhere wherever possible.
p 13 ‘The Timetable’ ADD: The first CPR will be the A4165 from Oxford and from Kidlington to the new Oxford Parkway Station.
p 21 Paras 17-19 ADD: Sustrans receives no central funding for the upkeep of the National Cycle Network hence maintenance of the NCN routes that run through the County will be included in the County’s Highway Maintenance budgets.
16 a & b
Oxfordshire Freight Strategy
P 37 d. CHANGE: From ‘Deter’ to ‘Ban’
17 a & b
Be prepared for the advent of driver -less cars. Be prepared for the opportunities and threats that these will bring. E.g. Para 89 Community Transport could be hugely enhanced by this technology if anticipated and planned in advance.
1.6.2 Cumulative Impacts: ADD: Ensure cycle route improvements are completed promptly so that we have the best chance of achieving modal shift within the timescales envisaged.
Be brave and prompt over implementation of proposed cycle route improvements so that people change habits soon and create a ‘virtuous circle’: the more people who cycle the safer it becomes for others to join them.